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Jun 8, 2022
Where is your gravel pit?
From the junction of Montana 37 and U.S. 93, travel north approximately 5.3 miles. Turn left onto county road, Drumlin Lane, go .02 of a...

Jun 7, 2022
Where is your office?
Our physical address is 329 Windmill Road, Eureka, Montana. The entrance to Windmill Road is at 986 Hwy 93 North, Eureka, Montana. To get...

Jun 26, 2019
How can I pay?
You can pay in person using cash, a personal or business check, a cashier's check, a money order, or a debit or credit card. Our office...

Jun 12, 2019
Can you haul material as fast as any regular drive time?
No. Hauling takes longer in a dump truck.

Jun 12, 2019
Does the gravel price include hauling?
No. We have an hourly fee with a one-hour minimum.
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